Friday, 18 March 2016

Pixel Mermaids

A popular form of pixel art is to make characters into things called Sprites, these are smaller simplified versions of characters that are usually created in 50 x 50 pixel grids. I wanted to explore this style and the biggest difficulty I found was being able to make it look like something in such a small amount of space. However I feel that this piece was very successful as it looks like a mermaid and has achieved to style of the pixel sprites.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Ancient China

As an experiment with colour I tried a technique using only 3 tones of one colour and attempt to convey tone, colour and texture though a simplistic medium. I think this piece was very successful as it looks like a finished product.

Pixel Ghost

As an experiment with the pixel style I tried a basic black and white image. It's not too complicated but I think it's effective. I think I would like to work on colour for my next experimentation.

Paul Robertson

Frank Macchia

Adam Osgood